I'm a reporter covering climate and the environment for The New York Times. Email me at raymond.zhong@nytimes.com. To encrypt your email, use key ID 9FD72AF134FE74E6.
I used to cover China and tech for The Times. Before that, I reported for The Wall Street Journal from India. There, I wrote about the country's experiment in warp-speed currency replacement; the end of manufacturing-led development; the fickleness of India's economic data; avalanches, blizzards, earthquakes, and their difficult aftermath in Nepal; life in the control room at one of India's busiest train stations; a shooting in Kashmir; the island paradise where many locals can't swim; the uselessness of the World Bank's "Doing Business" report; the troublesome business of drawing a poverty line; Delhi's toxic air; the meaning of happiness in Bhutan; edible spoons; the turnaround at the world's largest coal miner; how paved roads helped West Bengal's yogurt industry; a trade war over piles of rotting wheat; women in southern India who stitch Elmo dolls; and Narendra Modi, twice.
Even longer ago, I lived in London and wrote about Europe's vanished kingdoms and the revolution in Cyprus. I also worked in Hong Kong, where I wrote about the unhappy history of polygamy in China and the Oxford Chinese Dictionary.